Friday 17 October 2008

Isle of Wight (October)

I am on holiday with Mummy and Daddy on the Isle of Wight. We have been for lots of lovely walks and last night we went up St Catherine's hill to see the sun set on the south of the island. It was quite cold but the views were lovely along the coast...
Here I am standing on the Trig point on top of Limerstone Down the other day. I am all wrapped up in my down suit. I wish I had a pair of down booties though!
Here I am on Mummy's shoulders. You can see in the background the remains of an old monastery on top of St Catherine's Hill. The locals call it the pepper pot!

Mummy and Daddy bought a special back pack on ebay last night that I will be able to fit in - it will be more comfortable and we will be able to go on longer walks as at the moment it gets quite uncomfortable being in the front carrier which we have at the moment.

Look at the sunset - this is the best one I have ever seen - it was just before my bedtime!

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