Wednesday 6 August 2008

Last weekend of July

Mummy and Daddy drove me down to Closewood again. It was a really hot weekend but we went to buy a big paddling pool (with coloured spots) on Saturday. Mummy filled it up with water which quickly warmed up in the sun and I splashed around in it to cool off!

Daddy put together my wooden high chair which I now sit in to eat - I climbed into the box (which the high chair came in) and I couldn't help laughing!
Uncle Ben came down late on Saturday night. Daddy had taken his flying machine down and on Sunday he flew over Closewood and I could see him waving at me in the garden where I was having a rest with Mummy in the shade. Daddy then landed, just in time to give me a bath before bed. It was a fun weekend.

I now have two baby teeth coming through at he front on the bottom row! I am dribbling a lot but I like biting on things including my fingers, which soothes my mouth.

I love Mummy's homemade cooking and I am eating spinach, chicken, lots of fruit, potatoes, swede etc... Yummy yum - thank you Mummy.

I am also wriggling around a lot - Daddy calls me wriggle pops! I love my walking machine which plays tunes and I can now 'walk' around the kitchen following Mummy.

I love to chew on the wooden spoon and drinking water out of my 'Tommy Tippee' mug - sometimes the water comes out fast and I am left gasping for air - I am still getting used to it...

I am growing fast and I can't wait to see you soon!

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